How to use the Free YouTube Downloader program with NVDA

Have there been times when you have been on YouTube watching something, and got any of the following: ads, buffering delays, losing the video or having to keep the whole lot even if you only want parts of it.

There is a program called Free YouTube Downloader which allows you to download the video to your PC or a portable device, so the show can be watched at a later date or on the run.

You can download a copy of the program from the following link at

Opening up the program

When you first open the program, it is broken up into different sections. These are covered below.

(Please note: When you open up the program you will hear NVDA say Enter search, paste YouTube URL or select local file to convert).

The first edit box is where your YouTube link will be copied to (via the clipboard) or it can be backspaced and the link pasted into this area.

Button this button is unlabeled

This clears the URL that you have pasted into the first edit box.


There is nothing until you go to download the video.

… button

This will bring up a dialogue box that says Choose file to convert

Here you can tab around and locate a file you want to convert. Make sure you note the name of the file you want to convert and also into which format you are going to change it to (for example Files of type: Supported video formats (*.avi;*.mp4;*.flv;*.mkv;*.mpeg;*.webm).

The next time you tab you might hear something like the following… (This will be different for each project you do). For example, if there is no file selected to be ripped, you will hear NVDA say list and if there is one selected, you will hear NVDA say the following.

System.Drawing.Image[]; Name: S01E02 Force Of Life (1); Format: MP4; Size: 133.45 MB; Progress: 100; Speed: 0 Kbit/s; ETA: 00:00; Dimension: 328 x 240

Download MP4 button

This will change whatever AV format the file is in, into an mp4 file. This will convert the video file from off YouTube into an MP4 format.

Download MP3 button

This will take the audio file out of the YouTube project you are doing and convert it into an MP3 file.

Help link

When you press the Enter key on the link, it will bring up the browser and give you directions on what to do (from downloading the program, going to YouTube, locating a video, and downloading it to an MP4 video or MP3 audio).

The support link

You will need to route your mouse to this link. Use the NVDA key + the divide key on the numeric keypad. When you hear the link name spoken, you will need to double click on the divide key to open it.

When the left mouse key is pressed twice quickly, it will bring up the browser which will take you to a forum called Recent Discussions – Vforum.

The preferences link

To access the preferences link, the same procedure will have to be done to this link as well. Route the mouse to the link with the NVDA key + the divide key on the numeric keypad. When you hear the link name spoken, you will have to quickly left click the mouse twice.

You will be given the following options… (You can tab through these options).

General…Preferred language…Downloads…English…Behavioural…Sound notifications…Balloon notifications…Run search only when Enter key is pressed

…Remember last quality used…Check for new version on startup…Cancel…Ok

On any of the check boxes, you can check or uncheck them with the spacebar.

My video files button

This button when pressed will take you quickly to where your videos will be stored once they have been downloaded.

My Audio files button

This button will quickly take you to where your MP3 files are stored.

YouTube Downloader Audio Tutorial

To listen to an audio tutorial on how to use the free YouTube Downloader program, please visit the following link