Managing your account with NVDA

The following tutorials are courtesy of Brian Vogel and Timothy Wynn and cover topics related to managing your account.

Establishing a website password if you’ve previously been an E-mail only user [Last Update:  4/12/2020]

Anyone who is able to participate in any group already has an account registered and your e-mail address is the user id for that account.  If you’ve been an e-mail only user, what you don’t have is an actual password to allow you to access that account via the web interface. makes it easy to establish a password for your existing account so that you can then log in to the web interface to do things like reading the groups you’re subscribed to or their wiki pages, search the online archive for content you know came through that group at some time in the past, and more.

Here’s how to establish a password for your account:

Using your favorite web browser, navigate to   

You will be presented with a window that requests the e-mail address you’ve used to subscribe to your group(s).  This is your user User ID, which was established when you subscribed, so enter that e-mail address.

Navigate to the Email me a link to log in button.  Activate it.

Check your e-mail for a message from regarding establishing your password and follow the instructions contained in that message.

Note:  Once you’ve followed the instructions provided to you in the e-mail message from, you will be logged in to the website once you finish.  If you wish to log out, the easiest way to log out of the web interface is simply to enter in the address box of your browser and then navigate to that page.  You don’t need to locate the link showing your name, activating it to get the drop down menu, then choosing log out from that menu.

[Last Update:  9/7/2020]

If you have never used the website, you will need to follow the instructions just below to get a password so that you can log in to the site.  Otherwise jump straight on to the section, Advanced Preferences for Your Group Subscription, for the preferences that give you precise control over the messages you’ll receive from, and in what format, afterward review the section, Message Reply and Other Options Sent In Individual Messages and Digests.   Note:  The easiest way to log out of the web interface is simply to enter in the address box of your browser and then navigate to that page.  You don’t need to locate the link showing your name, activating it to get the drop down menu, then choosing log out from that menu.

Getting a password to log in to the website

If you’ve subscribed via e-mail you have a login id, your e-mail address, but you’ve never been assigned a password for the website.  To get one:

1. In your web browser, go to the main site login page:

2. Find the “Forgot your password?” link and activate it.

3. A page with a single edit box, e-mail address will open.  Enter your e-mail address in it.

4. Navigate to the one and only button on the page, “Email Link to Log In,” and activate it.

5. Watch your e-mail, including your spam/junk box, for a message from that will contain a link you need to activate that takes you to your profile page where you set your password.  This is the password you’ll use to log in to any group webpage where you wish to do something, such as changing your preferences, that requires you to be logged in to do.  You are, at this stage, actually logged in.

Advanced Preferences for Your Group Subscription (Adapted for Screen Reader Users by Timothy Wynn)

These preferences allow you to get very precise control over what messages you will receive in e-mail from and the format in which you’ll receive them.  You can significantly decrease the amount of e-mail you receive from high-traffic groups while also being able to decide what's important enough to keep an eye on.

Once you get to the main webpage,, you will need to navigate to the "Log In" (two words) link and activate it. Once you've entered your username, which is the e-mail address you've used to subscribe to the group(s) you routinely read, and password, activate the "Log In" button and you will be taken to the "Your Subscriptions" page.

If your browser window is not already maximized, do so now (keyboard shortcut is Alt + Space, then X or Windows + Up arrow).

If the page is restored or minimized, then at the top of the page you'll see a button labeled "Toggle navigation", followed by a link with a graphic labeled "". This version of the interface will not allow you to edit any of the subscription preferences as far as I can tell.

If the page is maximized, then the top of the page should have a link with a graphic labeled "", followed by a link labeled "Your Groups".

Use your screen reader's table navigation commands to move to the first table found on this page. The columns should read "Group", "# Members", "Latest Message", and "Delivery". Move to the row for the group for which you wish to set up your advanced preferences, navigate over to the Delivery column, and activate the link found there.  This will bring up the Subscription page which contains the advanced email preferences.  You will have to start back at this step for each group for which you wish to set up the advanced mail preferences.

Just so you're aware these are on the Subscription page, there is a radio button cluster for the Email Delivery options: All Messages, Full Featured Digest, Plain Digest, Daily Summary, Special Notices Only, No email. This is immediately followed by two checkboxes related to using a signature: Use signature for web posting and Use signature for e-mail posting. These are followed by the signature edit box, should you wish to set up a signature that goes on to all your messages if you check one of the previously mentioned checkboxes.

Use your screen reader quick navigation command to find and activate the "Advanced Preferences" heading level 3 link.

There are three major sections to the advanced preferences:

Message Selection. There are two radio buttons: All Messages and Following Only. If the first is selected then every message sent to the group will be sent to you in the format you selected for e-mail delivery. If you select Following Only then the only messages you will receive are messages you've chosen to follow. There is a checkbox associated with "Following Only," "First Message Also." If this checkbox is checked it serves as a selective override such that the first message in any new topic is sent to you so that you can see it and elect to follow it with the link at the end of the message if you wish to keep monitoring this topic.

Replies. There is a checkbox, "Auto follow replies," which will make any topic that you start yourself, or any topic in which you reply to a message, followed. This checkbox is generally only used if you have elected to use the "Following Only" feature for message selection.

Max Attachment Size (only for groups that allow attachments). This is followed by a dropdown box that allows you to choose from four different maximum sizes for attachments to be delivered to you via e-mail. The default is unlimited size. If you're using an internet service with data caps you may wish to change this. If you choose the zero option it means that all attachments will be stripped before a message is sent to you.

Find the "Save" button and activate it to save these settings.

As you can see, if you choose a setup where you have elected to get messages with the "Following Only" option combined with the "First message also" checkbox this will greatly decrease the flow of e-mail you receive while allowing you to decide for each topic whether you wish to follow it to receive further messages or not.  In the first message that does get delivered, there will be an additional link in the group that appears in the footer, Follow this topic. If you do nothing then you will not receive any additional messages for that particular topic unless you hit the Follow this topic link at the end of the message or reply to it, if the Auto follow replies option was checked.  I suggest using the Auto follow replies option so that if you start a topic, or simply reply to a first message, it will make sure that you see all messages that come later (unless you were to mute the topic at some later time). Message Reply and Other Options Sent In Individual Messages and Digests

At the end of each individual message is this collection of links:

View/Reply Online followed by the message number assigned to that message.

Reply to Group (which you’ll probably never use since a straight e-mail Reply does the same thing)

Reply to Sender.  This is how to send a private message to the person who sent the message you’re currently reading.  Activating this link will fire up a new message in your e-mail client of choice, including web based ones if you have that set up, and will put the e-mail address of the digest snippet’s sender in the “To:” field and put “Private:” followed by the actual topic’s “Subject” line after it. 

Mute this Topic.   If you wish to stop receiving any further messages related to this topic, whether in the digest or as individual messages if you switch to that mode, activate this link. 

New Topic (which you’ll probably never use because it throws you into the web interface for the group to compose a new message for a new topic.  Most will do this just by e-mailing the group posting address).

A number of additional links related to the specific group, which can vary somewhat by group.

A fixed collection of links:

Change Your Subscription – which will take you to the page where you can change your basic subscription options or tweak the advanced options for message delivery that I’ve written about separately.

Group Home – which will take you to the home page for the group this message originated from.

Contact group owner -  uses the mailto command to cause a new, blank e-mail message to be created with the group owner address of the group already filled in.

Terms of Service

Unsubscribe from this Group – which throws you into the web interface for unsubscribing from the group where this message originated.

At the end of each digest message is a collection of links:

View/Reply Online followed by a count of messages in that topic already.

Reply to Group (which you very well may use to reply to a single message in a digest via e-mail)

Reply to Sender.  This is how to send a private message to the person who sent the message in question to the group.  Activating this link will fire up a new message in your e-mail client of choice, including web based ones if you have that set up, and will put the e-mail address of the digest snippet’s sender in the “To:” field and put “Private:” followed by the actual topic’s “Subject” line after it. 

Mute this Topic.   If you wish to stop receiving any further messages related to this topic, whether in the digest or as individual messages if you switch to that mode, activate this link. 

Top ^, which shoots you back to the top of the e-mail message.

New Topic (which you’ll probably never use because it throws you into the web interface for the group to compose a new message for a new topic.  Most will do this just by e-mailing the group posting address). Email Delivery & Other Control Commands That Can Be Issued by Sending an Email Message

You can send a blank email to the following email addresses (substituting your group name for GROUPNAME):

To receive an automated help email containing a list of these commands plus additional information

To join a group

To unsubscribe from a group

To contact the owners of a group

To stop receiving messages via email (you may still read messages on the Web). 

This can be reversed by sending an e-mail message to any one of the addresses that follows to resume receiving the messages in the format of your choosing.  This option may be preferable to unsubscribing since you can resume posting to the group without a hold on your first message, which is in place for new subscribers.

To receive individual messages instead of digests or a summary

To receive full featured digests instead of individual messages

To receive plain digests instead of individual messages

To receive a daily summary instead of individual messages

To only receive special messages

GROUPNAMEs include, but are by no means limited to:

win10          for the Windows 10 for Screen Reader Users Group

jfw               for the JAWS for Windows Support Group

nvda           for the NVDA Screen Reader Users Group

blindtech    for the blind technology discussion group

Changing the E-Mail Address for Your Account

[Last Update:  12/4/2020]

In order to change the e-mail address for your Account, which will be the same for every group you’ve subscribed to using your current e-mail address, you first need to go through, Establishing a Website Account Password If You’ve Been an E-Mail Only User, if you have not already done so in the past.

When you change the e-mail address for your Account, all groups that you’ve ever subscribed to using what will become “the old address,” will recognize “the new address” after you’ve changed it.

Go to the Login Page,, and enter your current E-mail address, which is your login ID, and your password, then activate the Log In button.

Navigate to the account submenu button for your account.  I cannot tell you how this will be announced, but it is most likely to be read as your e-mail address, followed by the phrase, “collapsed, submenu link.”  If you have established a Display Name in the past, this is what will appear on the button instead of your E-mail address.  Expand this button, then down arrow to the Account item and activate.

You will now be in the Account Settings, Login Pane, which happens to be the pane you need to be on.  Navigate to the e-mail edit box which will contain your current e-mail address associated with the account.  Replace the existing e-mail address with the new one you now wish to have associated with your account.

Navigate to the Change email button, and activate it.  You now have associated that E-mail address with your account.  It will now become your login ID in place of your old one, and all groups to which you are subscribed will recognize your new address.

If that’s all you wish to do, you can logout, and the easiest way to do this is to throw focus to the address bar, enter and activate.  You’ll be logged out.  You can also navigate back to the account submenu button, activate it, and choose the logout item – your choice.  Should you wish to establish a Display Name, then hold off on logging out, and continue with Steps 6 and forward.

Navigate to the Identity link and activate it.  This will put you in the Identity settings for your Account.  The first item with an Edit Button will be your Account Profile, and I will only focus on the Account Profile.  There are individual Group Profiles that follow it, but since we’re trying to establish a Display Name used for you for all Groups, and to identify you when you login, we’ll stick with the Account profile.  Activate the Edit button associated with the Account Profile.  This will open it for editing.

Use your screen reader search to find Display Name, which is a label, then hit tab to land in the Display Name edit box.

Enter whatever it is you wish to have as your display name.  First and last name is common, but some prefer to establish nicknames that they use for groups.  It’s whatever you wish.

If you wish to explore the other edit boxes in your Account Profile, then feel free to do so and to edit the information.   After having entered your Display Name and anything else you wish to enter, navigate to the Update Account Profile button, then activate it.

You can now log out (see step 5 for the easiest way).