SpeechHub and SpeakOn resources for NVDA


There is an add-on for the SpeechHub synthesiser package that must be installed, so that NVDA can see the synthesiser packages in SpeechHub.  Once this add-on is installed, you will be able to see and use the SpeechHub synth/voices available to NVDA. You can get to the SpeechHub synth/voices under the synthesiser/voice settings in NVDA.

If you want NVDA to stop talking when you go into the SpeakOn Media suite, you will need to install the SpeakOn media suite add-on. When you come back out of the SpeakOn Media Suite programme, NVDA will start up again.


SpeechHub is an internal server that runs automatically on your computer. The hub provides text and audio processing augmenting as necessary or providing an alternative to the processing provided by the synthesizers themselves. By default SpeechHub comes with three open source synthesizers and two SAPI 5 connectors.

The SAPI 5 connector uses unconventional interface processing audio allow better response for utterances produced frequently and higher speeds with some slow voices. This connector works well with some synthesizers but less well with others.

A guide as to why you might want to use SpeechHub is available at


A guide for installing SpeechHub and its NVDA add-on is available at


The SpeechHub homepage is available at


SpeakOn MediaSuite programme and resources

The SpeakOn homepage is available at http://www.speakon.org.uk/SpeakOn.html

You will find information on the media types it supports, links to the docs and mailing list.

SpeakOn supports English only and does not support Braille.

It does not support PDF either.

It does not support DRM as used mostly in the US

SpeakOn Media Podcasts by David Griffith

01 Introduction SpeakOn Media Suite.mp3

This Podcast covers setting up SpeakOn Media, changing the default synthesizer to a more friendly voice and introduces you to the range of apps available
by default, and then the further apps available through additional optional plugins.

02 Getting an Audio Book into SpeakOn Media Suite.mp3

This Podcast describes how shortcuts and the send to menu in File Explorer can be utilised to make it much easier to import books and other content into
SpeakOn Media centre.

03 Playing Daisy and Audio Books in SpeakOn.mp3

This Podcast covers loading and reading of Daisy and Audio Books. It explains Speak On navigation options, bookmarking, and varying the speed and volume
of playback. It also introduces SpeakOn’s context sensitive help feature.

04 Reading eBooks on SpeakOn

This covers...
- Loading an eBook into the SpeakOn Directory through the Send To Menu.
- Changing the reading voice.
- Navigation levels available in the eBook.
- Managing Bookmarks and getting book size information.
- Tabbing through the Player Bookmark list and Library view.
- Adjusting the speed and volume of book playback on the fly.
- Copying and pasting text from an eBook into Notepad.
- Saving sections of the book as text files.
- Creating a "virtual eBook" based upon a search term.

05 SpeakOn and Internet Radio

This Podcast covers...
- Using a free or paid Tunein account to access Radio in SpeakOn.
- Using the optional VI Radio app.
- Importing Radio Streams into the Other Media app to create a 3rd Customised Internet Radio app.

Link to a Radio Streams folder to import into SpeakOn


06 Using Speak On and the RNIB Reading Service

This Podcast covers downloading a Daisy book from the new RNIB Reading Service and playing it in SpeakOn.

07 Speak On and the RNIB Newsagent Service Part 1 - Newspapers

This Podcasts covers...
1. Advantages of using SpeakOn to easily access the eText Newspaper service, including its Virtual Reader function to streamline reading.
Installing the task and logging into the eText service.
Loading of Newspapers, navigation and adjustment of speed and volume of playback.
Setting up favourite papers.
Bookmarking and extracting articles into text files.

08 Speak On and the RNIB magazine Service

As unfortunately the RNIB have broken links to some of the Magazines and not updated information to SpeakOn, there is a need in some cases to download
and import Magazines manually. This Podcast describes this workaround and explains why you would still want to use SpeakOn to read your magazines in
this case.

09 SpeakOn and podcasts

This Podcast covers searching for a Podcast, subscribing to a Podcast by adding to Favorites, downloading a Podcast, and browsing the Category Online directory Service. As part of this it shows how SpeakOn acts as a virtual BBC Sounds app. It also covers importing OPML files from another Podcast Reader and briefly covers the optional VI Podcast app which provides access to selected Podcasts of interest to Blind and Partially Sighted People. Note: For a demonstration of the third Podcast facility in SpeakOn, via the tunein Radio app ( to download Podcasts and Radio shows from that service), please refer back to Podcast 5 on Internet Radio and Speak On.


10 Speak On in the Cloud Part 1

In this Podcast we see how to create a Portable version of Speak On which, when applied to DropBox and OneDrive, allows the synchronisation of reading of media across multiple Windows devices.
Speak On Portable Install - With TTS change to Sapi 5 and media folders created ready to receive content.

11 Speak On in the Cloud Part 2

In this Podcast we demonstrate how our cloud version of Speak On can perform on both DropBox and OneDrive from another Windows device. It shows how reading is synchronised across devices.  The podcast covers the particular settings needed in OneDrive for the cloud based version of Speak On to work.