How to navigate
Google Duo for web with NVDA
What is Google Duo?
Google Duo is an app that is simple to use. It
allows users to communicate using high quality video calls and can
be used on smartphones, tablets, and smart displays. It can now
also be used on the web in a supported web browser.
Where to go on the web
To try out Google Duo on the web, please go to
the following link at
It might be a good idea to bookmark the page if you decide you
like using it through your browser.
If you already have a Google Duo account, then it is just a matter
of signing into it on the web. If you do not already have an
account you will need to create one.
You will need a mobile phone that it can text a verification code
to, so that you can set up the Google Duo account. You can use
either your Android or Apple mobile phone to do this.
The mobile device will need a copy of Google Duo
on it, so when signed in it will upload your contacts to your web
version of Google Duo.
If your computer has a web cam, it will use it in your video chat
unless you specify another device to use.
After you have signed into Google Duo on the web, you will be able
to call your Google Duo contacts on their devices - if they have
either data or wifi enabled, and are online. If not, you can leave
a message for them for the next time they go into Google Duo. They
can also call you back if you are online on the web.
You can call from inside the browser you are using to another user
(either on an Android phone, an Apple phone or the web version) if
Google Duo is installed and setup on their device. They can also
call you back while you are on the web in the browser.
If you already have an account you can use your existing Google
Duo account details to sign in with.
Supported browsers
You can use Duo for web with Google Chrome,
Firefox, Opera, or Safari.
Microsoft Edge is not supported at present.
After you have signed in
The keys that you will use are:
Ctrl + home (to go to the top of the page)
Ctrl + End (to go to the bottom of the page)
B (for buttons)
Up and Down arrow keys (to navigate up and down)
Enter key (takes you to the next section)
In some cases, you will need to change between browse mode and
focus mode to see some options.
As you navigate down the page you will hear NVDA say the
following: Google account you are using; button help (for more
information about Google Duo); button feedback; button settings;
button collapsed Google apps; button Google account you are using;
recent calls (the name of the person, the time they called, and
options where you can either block or delete that user); and a
search box - where you can search for contacts or dial a number.
In the search box it will bring up that person's name or your list
of contacts.
Settings in Google Duo
When you go into the settings section in Google
Duo, you will hear the following:
Account Knock Knock. This is used when someone is calling
in and you want to know who it is before answering.
Learn more (about Knock Knock).
Toggle Knock Knock. It is a check box which if checked will
alert you as to who is calling.
Sources Manage audio and video sources
Blocked users
Call log When you go into this section you can download
your call log (You might get a message like "No call history found
on this browser" if it has not been used before on the web).
If your web cam is plugged in it will detect it along with the mic
in it.
Just allow it when the notification pops up for your web cam
If you go into the manage audio and video sources, and you want to
change any of the settings (such as your mic used, video camera or
speakers) you will need to use object navigation at present to
choose other options listed in those sections.
If you do not know how to use it, please see the section in the
user manual called 5. 4 object navigation.
To call a contact in Google Duo
Find the person that you want to call. It will
say their Google Duo name and their mobile number. Next, press the
Enter key on their name. You will then be given some options
(which NVDA will read out) such as: show wide video, menu submenu
options (where you can block that user), button video call, and
button audio call.
If you choose either audio or video call (by pressing the Enter
key), it will start calling that person. If it does not seem like
they are going to answer, you can end the call (which is done
using the end call button) and pressing the Enter key. When you
are calling that contact it will make a ringing sound.
Answering a call
Depending whether or not you have knock knock
turned off, you will not see a preview of the person calling in.
When the person is calling in
It will pop up 2 buttons (one will be to accept
and the other to deny the call).
It will automatically default to the Accept button. Press the
Enter key (or spacebar) and now you will be in a call.
When you are in a call
The following options will be given
You can mute the microphone, turn off the camera, send wide video,
enter full screen mode, and end the call. It might ask you a
question at the end to see if the call was bad or good.
Going back to your list of contacts
If you are in your recent calls screen (and you
want to get back to where your contacts are), you will need to go
to the bottom of the screen and locate the applications area.
Next, press the Enter key on it. It will then come up with your
list of contacts. NVDA will say list of contacts - list
expandable. You might have to change modes in NVDA to see those
contacts. Use the NVDA key + Spacebar to do this. Then, it is a
matter of either arrowing up or down that list.
Press the Enter key on the contact you want, then you will be
given some options to either audio call or video call them.
When you go back into your account, it will also give you the
option to delete your Google account, remove your Google Duo
account, and also show your settings.
In most cases you would leave these.
Signing out of Google Duo on the
Locate your Google account button, then press the
Enter key. Arrow down, and as you do you will hear the following
read out by NVDA: link Change profile picture, Your user
name, Email you used, link Privacy, link Google account, link Add
account, link Sign out - then it is just a matter of pressing the
Enter key and you are now signed out of Google Duo on the web.